
About Us

We are an online Mathematics Academy, we provide advanced ways of learning through courses, quizzes, assignments and more.

What We're All About

We are passionate about building  solutions that can help learners overcome the common challenges facing the education sector, especially in mathematics. Bringing world-class teaching and digital content to learners who have previously been denied access to such opportunities.

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Mathematics is not about equations, numbers or graphs: It is about UNDERSTANDING!

Many learners approach mathematics with a negative attitude because it is “hard”. We are here to say hard ≠ impossible.

Letlhogonolo Mogatusi
Our Mission

Who We Are

Mathematics gives us hope that every problem has a SOLUTION.

At Big Brains Academy, we provide an enhanced way of learning to learners from Grade 3 to Grade 7. Our easy-to-follow programme, presented by dedicated tutors, lets your child learn from home using online mediums while still getting the best possible quality online education. Our modern online approach provide learners with an inherent sense of independence and responsibility, while preparing them for the workplace of the future. All video lessons and supportive material are included in the payment.

Become a Math Master

Give your child the right foundation. Your child will have a head start in Mathematics and will not struggle in higher grades.

Learn at Own Pace

Learners have the opportunity to learn slowly or quickly as they want. By practising everyday, they will be way ahead and they will improve their understanding.

Certificate of Completion

To motivate learners, they will be issued a certificate after completing specific tasks and topics. These certificates are not accredited by any institution.

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